Many professionals find it difficult to keep in touch with clients without a deal, assignment or instruction on the go (and with numerous active clients to keep happy). But by failing to keep in touch, you can miss opportunities or (worse still) lead the client to believe you don’t care – prompting them to canvass a competing firm’s advice.

In this free 45-minute webinar, we will explore quick and simple ways to…

With the dawning of a new year, January is a good time for professionals to plan their business development approach for the months ahead. At the same time, many are keen to get going on BD activities before the general ‘busyness’ of daily work takes hold.

In this free webinar, we will explore both BD planning considerations for the year ahead, and also quick-wins you can pursue now to get your 2024…

As we head to the end of the year, many professionals are setting fresh plans for 2024 – particularly in relation to their BD achievements. This is a good principle and helps to get the new year off to a strong start after the festive break.

As January’s ‘busyness’ intensifies though, many well-formed plans and good intentions can fall by the wayside. One tool, however, that helps professionals remain…

Current economic challenges are prompting more clients to shop around.  At the same time, a tough labour market is making it harder for firms to recruit the talent they need to deliver quality work profitably.  This combination is prompting some firms to seriously question the new work they take on.

Faced with a rise in potential new work enquiries, it is important to pursue those which will benefit and not be a…

100 Day Plan

The Autumn typically marks a very busy period for many professionals and a careful juggling act of both client work and business development (BD). This year many firms also face a time of political and economic uncertainty in their key markets.

Whatever the changes ahead, those professionals who maintain a regular BD approach will be more effective and successful at supporting clients and contacts, spotting opportunities and converting them…

For many professionals we work with, business development (BD) has to ‘slot in’ around a myriad of other client, staff and other business responsibilities.  And yet how successful a professional is in attracting new work greatly influences the status they achieve in other areas of their professional life.

It’s important not to treat BD as a luxury – something to be actioned when more time magically appears in the diary. Instead, the…

We are now over the half-way point in 2018 and, for many professionals, it’s a good time to take stock of their business development (BD) efforts to date – as well as make plans for the remainder of the year. And with the summer break coming up (and hopefully some quieter moments), we’ve collated some tips to help you review and plan your BD approach in the months ahead.

In particular we’ve focused…

BD planning tips

For many of us the summer holiday period provides a valuable opportunity to take ‘time out’, step back and review areas such as BD performance.

Business development summer planning

This is indeed time well spent as it helps professionals take stock of the BD activities they’ve undertaken and the results they have achieved. It can prevent continuing on paths which bring only limited new work opportunities, or…

stopwatchWhen it comes to business development planning for the year ahead, much advice tends to focus on activities professionals can do ‘away’ from the office. Sometimes, however, hectic work schedules can only accommodate small pockets of BD activity.


Getting the most from your BD time in 2017

Given the limited time available these have to be undertaken at the professional’s desk.

In fact, in terms of the results generated, it’s often better to pursue a…

Summer reading recommendationsAs many professionals use the next few weeks to take a well-earned break, some will also use the opportunity to think objectively about what lies ahead for business in the coming months.

Clearly the economic and political turbulence of recent weeks means that uncertainty will remain the norm, rather than the exception for some time.

We asked the Results team, in view of recent events, what summer reading they now…