With 2025 fully underway, many professionals have embarked on their journey to achieve this year’s goals and targets – particularly in relation to BD achievements. This is a good principle and helps to get the young year off to a strong start.

As Q1’s ‘busyness’ intensifies, many well-formed plans and good intentions can fall by the wayside. One tool, however, that helps professionals remain on track is coaching.


The benefits of…

Business Development Coaching White PaperThe Results Consultancy team is delighted to announce our publication of a new white paper. It examines the effectiveness of business development coaching programmes and what are the secrets of success.

Achieving powerful results from BD coaching programmes draws on our research and many years’ experience coaching professionals in how to win and retain high value work.


Market uncertainty fuelling coaching’s popularity

It was prompted by the team experiencing increased interest from…

WBD Resilience cmprsdBD resilience is often a key factor behind one professional’s success compared to another.  That more robust approach, which the professional has cultivated enables them to gain a steady flow of quality new work opportunities.

To them, their BD activities are intrinsic to everything else they do – not an add-on.  Over time this mind-set has led them form good BD habits and take greater confidence and courage in…

WBD40 BD ResilienceBD resilience is often a key factor behind one professional’s success compared with another.  The more robust approach of the successful professional enables them to gain a steady flow of quality new work opportunities.  To them, their BD activities are intrinsic to everything they do – not an add-on.

But how do professionals get to that position?  In our latest Winning Business Digest we have looked closely at the…

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It is good to see more business confidence in the professionals we meet.

Many are very busy with work opportunities but mindful that it is also important to maintain a regular commitment to business development.

They know all too well that such a commitment will maintain that steady flow of opportunities coming their way.

But how do you fit BD into busy days already heavily…